Friday, 6 March 2009

sandwich fillings

Have you noticed we're up to here in a credit crunch? sounds a bit like a breakfast cereal, I know, (when do we get the honey nut variety?), so now we can't afford to pay someone to make our lunch, we have to bring our own ...

This blog will do exactly what is says in the title: sandwich fillings!

Lightly buttered bread
grapes (halved)

That's it! Well, we all have to start somewhere ...


  1. Mmmm! love the cereal idea! So... is it "delicious"?!

  2. absolutely! what did you have?

  3. hm, not sure of the grapes, I always considered fruit to belong to dessert (with the cheeky exception of tomatoes I guess)...

  4. Grapes are wonderful in sandwiches - loosen up, Blackbeard ;)

    Although - does it depend on the particular type of cheese? What do you think, tina blog?

    Love the picture btw - home?

  5. it's where I want to be, but I guess I'm already there - I really couldn't help that ;)
    all cheese is good with grapes in my (cook)book, tomatoes are delicious too - hey, enjoy your lunch!
    what about pears and cheese ... Mmmmmmm .....
